Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose our batteries ?


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What are the storage capacities of our batteries ?

  • 90% of its capacity is available per cycle,
  • Twice more energy available compared to 2-years-old Pb-Acid
  • 10% more power (12.5V at the end of cycle)

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What is the lifetime of our batteries ?


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How much cost One-Watt storage ?


Technologie | Real Capacity | Energy per Cycle | Cycle per Life | Energie per life | Cost Ratio | W/Cost

The Watt from ION-SAFE is 8.8 cheaper than "Lead-Acid " ​
The Watt from ION-SAFE is 3.92 cheaper than "Lead-AGM"

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What are the specifications ?

  • Ion-Safe ® batteries must be used according to the following instructions and limits:
  • Ambiant temperature from -20°C to 50°C
  • State of charge > 20%, meaning Uoc > 12.7V
  • Never more than 0.2 V difference between batteries before connecting them in parallel,
  • Never open
  • Never short-circuit
  • Never flow in liquid
  • Never expose to fire
  • Any damage visible to me outside will cancel the warranty commitment

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Why is an adaptation needed ?

There are differences

  • The maximum voltage of LFP technology batteries is 14.6V. Beyond this value the BMS of the battery will open the circuit to protect from damage the cells of the battery.
  • If when the engine is running, the BMS opens the circuit, the voltage regulation of the alternator will be impossible and the voltage out of control. It is imperative to prevent this from happening.

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How to adjust charging unit ?

Charger Set-up

Conventional chargers are using a charging phase called "Boost" or "Bulk" to accelerate the recharge of lead-acid batteries of any type. These charging phases end with voltages that can exceed 14.6V (14.8V for AGM batteries). This charging phase must be disabled with ION-SAFE® batteries. Set your charger at : Absorption Voltage between 13.8V and 14.4V, Floating Voltage between 13.4V and 13.6V.

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Should the alternator be changed ?

The maximum voltage is critical.

The voltage supplied by the alternator must be measured when the batteries are charged to 100% to check if it does not exceed 14.6V. If the 14.6V are exceeded, several solutions: Change the alternator regulator (often possible) - target 13.9V, Add alternator protection box on the ION-SAFE battery, Mount a diode splitter between alternator and ION-SAFE® batteries. The passive diode will create a drop around 0.3V.

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Why change your alarms settings ?

  • Adjust the alarm thresholds on board, choose Umin = 12.7 V @ 20% SOC (State Of Charge),
  • The voltage of ION-SAFE® batteries during discharge cycle is higher than all other types of batteries. Its drops very slowly during a discharge cycle,
  • Add a coulombmeter to increase the accuracy of your information. Such devices will help to know the actual state of charge accurately.

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